
Hey bubbles! I need permission for something. Do you mind if I put up a few widgets around the sides? Ex: My site’s widget, penglibrary widget, and emilylondons summer beach blast widget.

If you say yes i might even make u an awesome widget 😉

The hobo from down the street told me that school is for losers


Sensei Tracker

 Awesome Sensei Tracker!!

Hi Bubbles here. Thanks to Chrisdog93, here is a Sensei Tracker for June 3rd-5th.  Sensei will be at the Ninja Hideout at this time teaching new moves.  Also, this weekend, please comment telling us if you see him.

Bubbles can’t be popped!!


New Site Added to Blogroll!

Hi Bubbles here!  Congrats to Mateobeccar’s awesome writing site “Penglibrary” for joining my special blogroll.  Good job!  😀 

Bubbles can’t be popped!!



Hi Bubbles here!  Uh………Club Penguin and Pie rule!

Bubbles can’t be popped!! 😀



Finally summer vacation is here now i will be posting 2x of the ppsts i posts i made. Lol a tongue twister



Over and out!


I’m sorry

I haven’t been posting for a while,but I will be posti much more!!

Big Chill can’t be melted!

~Big Chill2

The Random Plot of Weeblee Chapter 1 and Newspaper 193 Events

Hi Bubbles here.  Sorry I am a little late.  I was at the pool all day.  Here is my new story:

                                  The Random Plot of Weeblee

            Why?  That is the question we always ask.  Why?  We live in a random world where things happen for a reason.   So why does an evil cow target a pig for its dinner?  It all starts with a story I like to call The Random Plot of Weeblee. 

            There once was a pig named Weeblee.  He lived on a farm called Random Valley Barn.  Everything was fine on this one particular day.  It was sunny with the sky as blue as a light blue crayon.  Weeblee felt no worries as he started dancing with his pals.

            “RANDOM DANCING!” proclaimed Weeblee.

            All the other animals joined in for a big party.  This was a blast saying that the farmer was away gambling in Las Vegas.  But just then…  A cow at a local tower was looking down from a telescope.  This cow was the weirdest cow of them all.  She was purple with black lipstick.  She, with the other Goths, was the most evil animal in the barn.  Her name was Angel which is ironic if you think about it.  She licked her lips as she saw the yummiest pig she ever seen.

            “I am so hungry.  That pig will be the best pork and bacon I ever ate.” groaned Angel.

            The other Goths, Goodie and Benefactor, were also liking the pig.  Their names were also ironic in which they have good names, but they, deep inside, are bad. 

            “Come on Angel!  Let’s get that pig.” replied Goodie.

            “Wait a minute sis.  We need the perfect time to snatch him.” warned Angel

            “And that would be….” questioned Benefactor.

            “NOW!” yelled Angel.  She said now because just then the ice cream truck drove by.  Its catchy ringing bell made all the barn animals run over. 

            “Ice Cream, get your ice cream!” sang Pengbro the ice cream man.

            All the animals then screamed their favorite flavors.




            Pengbro was rushing back and forth getting all the ice cream.

            Meanwhile, Angel, Goodie, and Benefactor were jumping out of the tower to the barn.  They saw their target and they were going to use their trapping gun.

            “With this gun, I can trap the pig in an ungraspable net!” screamed Angel.

            Weeblee was sitting down enjoying his chocolate ice cream cone when just then…


            Angel and her sisters got the target and went out to the tower.  But it wasn’t Weeblee at all!!  It was the goat named George in a pig costume.  George was Weeblee’s best friend, so when Weeblee saw that George was missing, he had rage!

            “Come on everybody this is personal!!!” he said.

            Even Pengbro with his ice cream wanted some action.  Pengbro said…

 “Let’s do this!


Ok.  Now for the newspaper.  It is really cool.

Newspaper 193

Thatis right!  A new music update for DJ3k!

Here is today’s 101 days of fun activity.

Events yo

Everybody can do that!

Lastly, here are the new events:


WOW!  Sensei is coming in person to the Ninja Hideout on July 3rd-5th.  WOW!  Also, Ruby and the Ruby return to the stage on July 10th, new igloo upgrades catalog tomorrow, and a new pin July 3rd.  So get the watermelon at the lighthouse now before it is gone.

That is all for now.  New music for DJ3k and new igloo upgrades tomorrow!

Bubbles can’t be popped!!


Weeblee Story Tomorrow.

Hi Bubbles here.  I am going to post my story “The Random Plot of Weeblee” tomorrow and I know you are all excited.  It is going to be awesome.  It is about a couple of evil goth cows with ironic names hunting for a delicious pig named Weeblee.  But when they steal the wrong animal, it is up to some barn animals and an ice cream man to save the day.  It is going to be awesome!  See ya tomorrow.

Bubbles can’t be popped!!


New Record!

Hey Awesome Penguins look at Bubbles hit counter!


THAT’S RIGHT 17 PPL ON AT ONCE! Oh here’s an inverted one I took for fun:


Isn’t that so cool! Especially for a site that has under 500 hits!

Do you think this is awesome? Do you like the inverted pic better? Have you ever had 17 people on your site before? Do you like pie? Do you think I’m asking too many questions?
